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 Choosing the Best EHR Software – What to consider?

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Description: Enhance your practice with the Best EHR and EMR softwares. An article about the best electronic health records out there.

 Best EHR software: Make Your Medical Practice Paperless

Go Paperless with the Best EHR Software!

Think about all of the unnecessary paperwork that you have to deal with. It is a waste of time and money and it also takes up space in your office. You need to be able to store it all somewhere, but there are many more important things that you could be doing with that time instead of filing paperwork.

You can use an EHR system to organize all of your patient information so that you do not have to deal with any of this time-wasting activity anymore. You just have to fill out the forms once and then they will be stored electronically so that they can be retrieved easily whenever needed.

What’s that buzz about an EHR software for doctors? Well, if you have no idea and you’re seeing patients right now without it, you might want to read this article.

The best EHR software will help you to make your medical practice paperless.

What is EHR?

Electronic health records (EHRs) are digital versions of paper medical records that can be shared between doctors and other healthcare providers. They can also be accessed by patients to view their own medical history.

 What is EMR?

Electronic medical records (EMRs) are digital versions of paper medical records that can be shared between doctors and other healthcare providers. They can also be accessed by patients to view their own medical history.

The Benefits of EHR/EMR Software include:

  • Improved patient care
  • Better patient satisfaction and retention
  • Lower costs for your practice
  • Faster treatment times and better access to specialists
  • Increased revenue from your billing system

Here are some things that make a Good EHR:

1. Security and backup

Your EHR is your most valuable asset. You need to make sure that it’s safe and secure so that it doesn’t get hacked or stolen. The best EHR software should have robust security protocols and backups in place to ensure that your data is always protected against any disaster.

2. Automation

The best EHR systems automate as much of the process as possible, which not only saves time and money but also improves patient outcomes by ensuring doctors spend more time with them instead of on paperwork or other administrative tasks. The more work you can offload onto software, the better off you’ll be in both the short term and the long term (since fewer people will be needed to perform basic tasks).

3. User-friendly interface

The best EHRs have an intuitive design that makes it easy for your patients to use. They should be able to navigate through their system with ease, so they don’t have to waste time figuring out how to do anything.

4. Integration options

Although some EHRs come with built-in integrations, others don’t. Make sure yours does if you want to connect it with other systems in your office like billing or scheduling software.

5. ​​Customization

You want your EHR software to reflect your practice’s needs as closely as possible—so it’s important that you can customize it however you need to. You may want to add extra fields to certain forms or change how data is presented on reports, and if so, the system should allow you to do so easily.

6. Simplicity

A good EHR should be simple to use, especially for your patients. Even if you have a lot of features, the interface should be intuitive enough that most people can figure out how to use it without any training. It should also be easy to navigate between different parts of the program and find what you’re looking for.

Questions to ask – Factors to consider when choosing the Best EHR Software include:

Legacy or cloud-based system(For more information on cloud based EHR software- You can check out our article – Cloud-Based EHR Software – All you need to know about from A to Z)?

What kind of functionality do you need?

Does it integrate with other software like billing, scheduling and patient portals?  And if it doesn’t, can you get it at a reasonable price?

How does it work with your existing equipment?  Do you have to buy new scanners, printers or other equipment to use it?

What kind of training will be available for staff members (and how much will it cost)?

Are there any add-ons that are important for your practice — such as treatment plans or documentation templates?

How to find the best EHR software for your practice?

1. Understand Your Needs

Before you start shopping around for the best EHR software, it’s important to understand what you need from an EHR solution. Do you need something that will allow you to transition from paper records to digital ones? Do you want an integrated solution that allows for easy access to patient information from anywhere? Are there specific features that are important to your practice? By understanding what’s most important to your practice, it will be easier to determine what type of system will work best for you.

2. Perform a Cost Analysis

Evaluating cost is another important consideration when choosing EHR/EMR software. While there are certainly many factors affecting this analysis (including how much you’ve invested in hardware), it’s important to understand how much each system will cost over time and whether or not those costs are worth it in the long run. It’s also important to consider whether or not any savings generated by using an electronic system

3. Think about your workflow and workflow needs

How do physicians currently document patient visits? If they rely heavily on paper charts, then switching over all at once may not be the best move — especially if there isn’t enough staff support for this transition.

Best EHR Softwares – Software Unplugged Top 5 Picks

Our team of experts have done the research so you don’t have to worry! We’ve looked at dozens of products over the years, and here are our top picks:

1. Athenahealth EHR Software

Athenahealth’s cloud-based software provides an integrated suite of services for electronic health records (EHR), revenue cycle management, and medical billing, patient engagement, care coordination, population health management, and the related services of pre-certification and eligibility verification.

2. DrChrono EHR Software

Drchrono’s team consists of physicians, developers and designers who are passionate about providing high quality healthcare software that is simple to use yet powerful enough to suit your needs. Drchrono’s emphasis on communication between patients and healthcare providers makes it easy for patients to view their own records on the go, contact their clinician directly to check upcoming appointments or send secure messages.

3. Practice Fusion EHR Software

Practice Fusion EHR Software offers a wide range of tools to help physicians manage their practice. Physicians can track patient information and lab results, send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies and schedule appointments online with patients.

4. AdvancedMD

AdvancedMD is a cloud-based HIPAA compliant platform with a user-friendly interface that offers an integrated suite of practice management solutions for primary care physicians, specialists, hospitals and urgent care facilities. AdvancedMD is easy to use, connects to all your existing systems, and can be configured to meet your practice’s needs.

5. CureMD

CureMD is a certified cloud-based EHR, built with the latest technology to help you deliver better care. With CureMD, your entire medical practice will be in one place, including patient information, billing and payments, and scheduling. CureMD is an easy-to-use EMR that helps your practice get paid more quickly by automating billing and coding processes.

If you would like a detailed description – Here is our article on the The 10 Best Cloud-based EHR Softwares of the Year – Features, Reviews and Pricing

If you are looking at an EHR software for Mental Health we suggest you to check out our article – EHR Software for Mental Health – A Complete Guide


All in all, we hope we were able to give some direction for your practice. No choice is the perfect match for every medical practice, so the key is getting one that fits your specific needs. We sincerely hope you were able to find your best EHR software, and it serves you well in the years to come.

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About author
Andrew Sabastian is a tech whiz who is obsessed with everything technology. Basically, he's a software and tech mastermind who likes to feed readers gritty tech news to keep their techie intellects nourished.