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Google Meet’s Attempt to Bring Down the Language Barrier – Disappoints Google Workspace Customers

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Moving on from the beta version, Google rolled out the live translation feature for all Google Meet platforms. The idea is to ease communication between colleagues with different efficiency levels for a language. Are live translation captions working?

The ever-so-evolving nature of Google draws attention to itself once again as it announces, through the Workspace Updates, the introduction of live translated captions for some Google Workspace editions.

Their video conferencing software is all about helping co-workers from around the world communicate better despite their proficiency in a particular language. 

Mind you, this is Google’s effort to mend the language gap between people, not to facilitate communication. So, it only supports the translation of the following languages to and from English:

  • German
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese

Luckily, translated captions are also available on mobile along with web devices.

The Impact

Moving forward, all Google Meet video calls shall become collaborative and inclusive in terms of language. This will allow businesses to hire people from across the globe, without worrying about their proficiency in a language.

The effectiveness of a meeting is enhanced as people have the option to consume information in their language. Additionally, training sessions improve drastically. Global teams will have a chance to be on the same page for once!

Every industry will experience a positive change with live translation captions.

At Your Disposal

The only way to access this feature as of now is through meetings organized by:

  • Google Workspace Business Plus
  • Enterprise Plus
  • Google Workspace for Education Plus
  • The Teaching and Learning Upgrade
  • Enterprise Standard customers. 


Although there’s not much to talk about the pricing and availability of the Google live translation feature, we’re sure the updates will roll out soon enough.

We’re also expecting the addition of more languages in the future and developing a system where there’s free communication.

As always, Google brings the world closer with innovative solutions. 

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About author
Andrew Sabastian is a tech whiz who is obsessed with everything technology. Basically, he's a software and tech mastermind who likes to feed readers gritty tech news to keep their techie intellects nourished.